Wall-E is one of Jack's main obsessions. Truthfully, we could do way worse, he's a cute little robot, and the story line has an actual lesson to it. That being said, too much of a good thing, is still, well, too much. Wall-E has been a part of our lives for almost 2 years. I opened this can of worms by bringing the video home for him to watch. I take full responsibility for this. Since then, we have had a robot birthday party, we have acquired interactive Wall-E and Eve (they talk to each other), Jack has been Wall-E for Halloween, etc. He loves him some Wall-E. There are some aspects that are kind of difficult socially. For instance, Jack walks up to everyone at the bus stop everyday and introduces himself as Wall-E, using his Wall-E voice. When he gets off the bus each day, he steps down the stairs (very very slowly) and in his Wall-E voice says "I am a robot". Cute enough once, but every day? And he is first off the bus since they have the kindergarteners sit in the front, so all the kids are seriously shoving to get past him to get off of the bus. Great.
Daddy introduced Jack to You Tube awhile back because it is the best place to find action videos of his favorite planes flying. Jack has expanded on this- he looks for "action videos" of hermit crabs (yeah, I know), lobsters, and Wall-E. Below is an example of what is on our TV on a regular basis. Oh, and I should mention that Jack's "fine motor deficits" seem to disappear when it comes to manipulating the remote to get his favorite Wall-E videos on.
John and I prefer the clip below- we have to find some way to amuse ourselves!!!
I have been using Wall-E for a long time to facilitate Jack completing certain activities. For instance, his hand is Wall-E's, helps with writing. I have convinced him that his vitamins are "discs" that when he swallows them make a camera in his eye just like Wall-E's. Hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the ass. Oh, and my favorite. We all know that Jack has had bathroom issues surrounding number 2 forever. He still resists. I now ask him if he has any trash to compact. Works like a freaking charm! I'll take it. Jack wants to be Wall-E for Halloween again this year, but would like his costume to be more "authentic". I am worried sick- we have some flat stroller tires and I am hoping I can fashion them into caterpillars somehow....and I need to make new goggles. Any suggestions on the Wall-E costume are welcome
OMG. I love your description of him walking and talking like a robot. Classic! The whole thing cracks me up. He is so freaking cute! You'll have some awesome stories out of this to tell when he is much, much older.