Thursday 5 April 2012

Mommy And Me At Play

Yeah, you know who you are :)

I really try to keep this blog focused on the boys for the most part, but every once in awhile I just have to share something about myself.  I have some really special ladies in my life, I don't know what I would do without them.  Yesterday was a sucky day on a personal level, a really sucky day.  And yet, my mommy friends wanted to go for a mom's night out in honor of my birthday this week.  Such a sweet gesture, and one that none of us really has time for these days.  So I put on my big girl pants and went.  SO WORTH IT!!!  A few drinks and some good company can do wonders for a girl's outlook on least for a few hours.

So what if by a few drinks I mean one and a half beers over 3 hours?  So what if you could knock me over with a feather after such a small amount of alcohol?  That's the beauty of being a dedicated mom.  You are also an incredibly cheap date!  There's nothing wrong with that- 5 years of continuous pregnancy and breast feeding is bound to make a girl lose their tolerance.  And much as I would love to go out more, Jack and Nate will be up by 6 am without fail, a girl's gotta have priorities and most often sleep wins.  Going out has changed in sooooo many ways.  The topics of conversation, the fact that I was home by 10:30 and TIRED, the fact that we all have our phones at the ready, not because we are waiting for the cute guy to call or text, but because we are waiting to see if one of the daddies on duty will cry uncle and we will have to sprint from the bar to offer relief (or if I'm being honest, these days, complain for 5-10 minutes and then slowly and reluctantly amble out to the parking lot mumbling under our breath the entire time...).  And then there was the content of our bags....oh man.  Used to be what?  ID, credit card, lipstick, cell phone (when we got those), cigarettes ( not me, never me) yeah that's about it.  At the table last night a friend of mine (won't name any names :))  went into her bag and proceeded to remove a head band with feathers, sequins and ribbons on it, a fairy wand, two flashing bracelets, a tube of green m and m's....what am I forgetting?  And from another bag came nasal saline, allergy medicine, EMLA cream, and oh yes, a red BOZO the clown nose!!!  My, my, my we are a wild group!  Actually, if you put all of these things together you could have a pretty good time!  A little creativity can go a long way...(keep the pictures on your PHONES ladies)

I met these ladies through our local mom's group when Jack was maybe 3 months old.  My parents were in California, my sisters were over 8 hours away by car, and I was a transplant to the area.  None of my local friends had children yet.  And I worked full-time from home- isolation central.  It was a recipe for post-partum disaster.  I needed help!  Seriously, I think I cried at the first play group.  But then I heard the other mommies' stories and realized that I wasn't alone.  Over the past almost 5 years we have grown much closer, then gone in many different directions, but somehow we always end up together for big occasions like holiday parties, Halloween parties, birthday parties, or the birth of a new member of the group.  We have brought each other countless meals after the births of these babies (2 meals a week for 4-6 weeks). We defected from the mom's group long ago, and yet we persist.  And I hope we keep that up for as long as possible!

Anyway, I just wanted to thank my mama's for thinking of me.  I had a great time, AND even made it up for work this morning!
Oh, and next time I am having a bad day, I will just go to this link:

Here are a couple of oldies.....first Halloween party!

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